Financial statement is a key document that provides the financial information to various stakeholders. Audit of such financial statements is a matter of great responsibility. Various laws require audit to be carried out and such a key responsibility is entrusted to Chartered Accountants. As a Firm of Chartered Accountants, we carry out audits prescribed under the following laws to name a few:
Our clientele come from various industry sectors and various ownership compositions. We provide audit services that are customised to different legislative requirements, industry specifications and ownership compositions. Our team of auditors believe in detailed planning before commencing the audit, maintaining total independence and scepticism throughout the process of audit.
Our client delivery is assisted by an IT enabled virtual platform - Advith ITeC which uses cutting edge technology to deliver efficient and timely results.
Internal audit involves assessing effectiveness of various controls established in an organisation. Our internal audit process involves:
Various statutes require assertions to be made regarding compliance of certain requirements. Banks, financial institutions, customers, Government Organisations require Certificate to be issued by a Chartered Accountant authenticating such assertions. We carry out such certification with due care and in strict compliance with the guidance and standards set by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. A sample list of certificates that we carry on a regular basis includes:
Our valuation services help clients to identify the value of their tangible assets, intangible asset, or enterprise as a whole. Valuation is a legal requirement in some cases and maybe a commercial or decisions making requirement in some situations. Since valuation is a mix of art and science, it can be subjective and controversial. Our valuation approach involves independent and careful assessment of the value drivers and associating valuation based on such value drivers. We assist various industry sectors in carrying our valuation as required for: